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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1992;21(6): 636-642.
Posterior Approach for Cervical Spondylosis with Radiculomyelopathy.
Dae Hyun Kim, Byung Jik Kang, Seong Kyu Hwang, In Suk Ham, Yeon Mook Park, Seung Lae Kim
Department of Neurosurgery, School of Medicine, Kyungpook National University, Taegu, Korea.
Of the 68 cervical spondyltic patients showing symptoms of radiculomyelopathy, assessments were made on 29 patients who underwent neural decompressive surgery with cervical laminectomy through posterior approach for the results of surgery. Analyses were also made on the anterior-posterior diameters of cervical canal on the plain film of cervical spine. The mean values of anterior-posterior diameters measured on the levels of cervical C3-7 were 16.5+/-1.83 mm in the normal adult and 7.3+/-1.08 mm in the cervical spondylotic patients with radiculomyelopathy, which is far narrower than that of the normal. In cervical spondylotic patients, the anterior-posterior diameters of directly upper and lower parts of the lesions were 11.9+/-1.20 mm and 12.1+/-1.61 mm respectively, also much narrower mean values than those of the normal control group. The results of the 29 patients who received cervical laminectomy by posterior approach were much improved for 51.7% and improved for 44.8%.
Key Words: Radiculomyelopathy; Cervical spondylosis; Cervical laminectomy; Posterior approach
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