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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1974;3(2): 211-214.
A Case of Pituitary Abscess.
Hyo Chung Sohn, Jong Sik Suck, Gook Ki Kim, Jin Chae, Kil Soo Choi, Bo Sung Sim
Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University, College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
Intrasellar or pituitary abscess was first reported about a century ago, after then once relatively common but now is rare. Since 1925, about 50 cases have been reported in the literatures, of which characters were variable, but clinical very similar to one of pituitary tumor. So they were often diagnosed preoperatively as pituitary tumor. Several pathogenic factors were postulated in relation to clinical aspects. We had recently experienced a case of pituitary abscess combined with chromophobe adenoma. A 28 years old clerkman was admitted to our hospital with complaints of impared ejaculation and visual disturbance. Clinical aspects and diagnostic studies gave us a strong impression of pituitary tumor. Upon surgery we found a cystic mass in pituitary region, of which aspiration showed whitish-gray, tenacious and liquid material. Many polymorphous leukocytes were noted by direct smear, but no microorganisms were detected in culture. He had postoperatively suffered from transient polyuria and polydipsia, which soon disappeared under the medication of Esidrex. He was discharged from this hospital with recommendation of radiation therapy. Clinical features and treatment were also discussed with review of ever reported cases.
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