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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1978;7(1): 69-72.
Drainage of Severe Brain Abscesses(2 Cases).
Kwang Chul Shin, Jong Hyo Cho, Hyo Chung Sohn, Myong Sun Moon
Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul Red Cross Hospital, Seoul, Korea.
Encapsulated and free pus in the substance of the brain tissue following an acute purulent infection is known as brain abscess, and which is uncommon. The brain abscess arise either as direct extention from infections within the cranial cavity or as hematogenous metastasis from infections elsewhere in the body. Since 1945, the antibiotics associated use of steroid and mannitol have been available for the treatment of brain abscess, and the result are very hopeful. The common method of surgical treatment are consist of excision and drainage and the problem of the best operative procedure has been disputed on the many neurosurgical literatures for many years. Recently we had treated 2 cases of severe otogenic brain abscesses with semicomatose patient by drainage, and good was the result compared with the other literatures. Result; 1. One case with semicoma recovered completely without any neurologic sequelae, and the other case recovered with visual disturbance. 2. The best operative procedure for the severe brain abscess considered a drainage.
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