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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1991;20(12): 1030-1039.
Far Lateral Lumbar disc Herniation.
Sun Ha Baek, Eun Sang Kim, Dong Gyu Kim, Hyun Jib Kim, Dae Hee Han
Departments of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University, College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
Far lateral disc herniation(FLDH) with compression of the nerve root as it exits through the foramen has been a recognized entity for a number of years. Failure to diagonose and precisely localize these herniations can lead to unsuccessful surgical exploration or exploration of the innocent interspace. If these herniation are diagnosed, they often cannot be adequately exposed by the classic minline hemilaminectomy approach. A partial or complete unilateral facetectomy to expose these herniations can lead to vertebral instability or contribute to continued postoperative back pain. The authors present 5 patients who were diagnosed as having far lateral lumbar disc herniations from 1988 to 1990. Two of these were at L4-5 level, two at L5-S1 level and one at L3-4 level and all were over 60 years old. High resolution CT scan appeared to be the best study and the paramedian muscle splitting microsurgical approach, done in 3 cases, was found to be the most direct and favorable anatomical route to FLDH for vertebral stability and minimal postoperative back pain.
Key Words: Far lateral disc herniation; High resolution CT; Paramedian approach
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