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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1995;24(1): 47-53.
Posterior Interbody Fusion with TFC in Degenerative Lumbar Diseases.
Byoung Kyu Lee, Hyoung Chun Park, Hyang Kwean Park, Myoung Hyeon Kim, Dong Been Park, Sung Hak Kim, Kyu Man Shin
Department of Neurosurgery, Ewha Womans University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
Surgical treatment for chronic back pain in degenerative lumbar spine has been still complicated. Several kinds of devices for spine fusions have been developed, but they have had both some advantages and disadvantages. Recently, the TFC(Threaded fusion cage) instrument has been introduced in treating lumbar spinal disorders associated with degenerative changes. The authors analysed 15 cases of lumbar degenerative disease treated with adequate decompression and TFC instrumentation between October 1993 and March 1994 at Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital. There were 10 females and 5 males. The main surgical indication was serious limitation of daily activity, which was not treated conservatively. The preoperative diagnoses were 6 degenerative stenosis with disc, 6 degenerative spondylolisthesis, 2 spondylosis and spondylolytic spondylolisthests, and 1 FBSS. We observed that 93% of patients(14 of 15) had more than good results and preoperative back pain was markedly reduced. Intervertebral disc space was well restored, and the reduction was possible in spondylolisthesis patients. In our opinion, TFC instrument will be one of good surgical modality in the treatment of degenerative lumbar spine.
Key Words: Degenerative lumbar diseas; Thread fusion age(TFC); FBSS Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
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