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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1998;27(4): 438-446.
Immunohistochemical Evaluation of Oncogenes and p53 Protein Expression in Benign, Atypical and Malignant Meningiomas.
In Uk Yeo, Jung Hoon Kim, Jae Hee Suh, Byung Duk Kwun
1Department of Neurological Surgery, Asan Medical Center, College of Medicine, University of Ulsan, Seoul, Korea.
2Department of Pathology, Asan Medical Center, College of Medicine, University of Ulsan, Seoul, Korea.
Meningiomas are primarily benign, mesenchymal tumors which in most cases can be surgically removed. Some tumors, however, are inoperable or invasive, and histology alone may be insufficient to characterize their biologic behavior. Thus, there is a need for a more effective means of differentiation between benign and atypical/malignant meningiomas. To determine whether abnormal gene expression correlates with the histologic grade of meningiomas, we immunohistochemically analyzed the expression of multiple oncogenes and p53 protein in 47 meningioma tissue specimens; six were malignant, 14 were atypical, and 27 we randomly sampled were benign. The specimens were on paraffin-embedded tissue sections and monoclonal antibody was used. The results are summarized as follows: 1) among multiple oncogene factors, erb B-2 and bFGF expression was associated with malignancy, 2) p53 protein expression did not correlate with histologic grade. We believe that not only for a better understanding of the mechanism of oncogenesis, but also to justify the prognostic significance of aggressiveness or potential for recurrence, further investigation of the molecular genetics of meningiomas is required.
Key Words: Meningioma; Atypical/malignant; Oncogenes; p53 protein Immunohistochemistry; Molecular genetics
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