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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 2002;32(1): 1-5.
Treatment of Epilepsies Associated with Cerebral Infarction in Childhood.
Yoon Goo Woo, Eun Ik Son, Il Man Kim, Chang Young Lee, Dong Won Kim, Man Bin Yim, Yong Won Cho
1Department of Neurosurgery, Institute Center Keimyung University School of Medicine, Daegu, Korea.
2Brain Institute Center Keimyung University School of Medicine, Daegu, Korea.
The authors present experience of treatment on the patients who suffered from epileptic seizures with ischemic stroke in their childhood.
We reviewed the clinical characteristics, neuroimaging findings, and electroencephalographic records of thirteen patients who suffered from seizures with stroke in childhood. Ten patients were improved to be seizure-free or to fall into only rare seizures with appropriate anticonvulsant medication. Three of these patients showed medical intractability in spite of appropriate multi-drug therapy, so they were carefully evaluated to consider the candidate for epilepsy surgery based on our sophisticated presurgical studies. Surgical intervention was performed in these selected 3 cases according to intracranial recordings with subdural grids, who had focal electroencephalographic abnormalities in diffuse cortical lesions.
The series included 8 women and 5 men with ages at seizure onset ranging from 3 to 38 years (mean 14.3 years). Cerebral ischemia was caused by various life threatening early insults including febrile convulsion, difficult delivery, viral meningoencephalitis, near drowning, and severe dehydration. Simple partial seizure with or without secondary generalization was most commonly noted. Magnetic resonance image revealed a wide variation in size, shape, and location of the infarcted areas. Major vascular territory and watershed area infarction involving diffuse cerebral cortex was a powerful cause of post-stroke seizure. Excellent clinical result was achieved even in the patients who underwent surgery.
Control of late onset seizures related to childhood cerebral infarction is not a trivial one, because of its wide, sometimes multilobar territories. However, enthusiastic medical trial as well as comprehensive surgical consideration is essential for better seizure control related to quality of life.
Key Words: Cerebral infarction in childhood; Epilepsy; Epilepsy surgery
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