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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 2009;45(1): 35-38.
doi: https://doi.org/10.3340/jkns.2009.45.1.35
Chordomas Involving Multiple Neuraxial Bones.
Jae Joon Lim, Sang Hyun Kim, Ki Hong Cho, Do Heum Yoon, Se Hoon Kim
1Department of Neurosurgery, Ajou University School of Medicine, Suwon, Korea. shkim709@ajou.ac.kr
2Department of Neurosurgery, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
3Department of Pathology, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
We present a patient with multifocal symptomatic osseous chordomas having unusual growth patterns with review of the pertinent literature. The patient was 62-year-old male and had multiple osseous chordomas located in sacral, thoracic, and paraclival jugular foramen areas. There was no metastasis in other organs. All affected sites were osseous. The multicentric chordomas are extremely rare. This case could be considered as a chordoma involving multiple neuraxial bones. But, the possibility of multicentricity could also be thought. In such cases radical resection should be performed for each lesion at the initial diagnosis. If complete surgical resections are infeasible or impossible, preoperative or postoperative radiation therapy should be planned for the highest possibility of successful treatment.
Key Words: Chordoma; Multiple; Thoracic; Sacral; Paraclival; Jugular foramen
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