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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1978;7(2): 513-518.
Solitary Eosinophilic Granuloma of the Skull Bone.
Chang Soo Rim, Jong Ku Choi, Hoon Kap Lee, Jeong Wha Chu
Department of Neurosurgery, College of Medicine, Korea University, Seoul, Korea.
Eosinophilic granuloma, Hand-Schuler-Christian and Abt-Letterer-Siwe syndrome are considered to be different manifestations of one and the same disease of the reticulohistiocytic system, and are included under the term histiocytosis X, clinical and morphological manifestations are variable. The syndromes can be differentiated according to their course and extent of spread. Eosinophilic granuloma of bone is the mildest form, usually restricted to one or a few foci. This occurs chiefly in children but may occur at any age. The male sex is affected almost twice as often as the female. Cranial vault is most commonly affected site and jaw, humerus, rib and femur are also often affected. Recently we have experienced 2 cases of eosinophilic granuloma of the skull bone. One was 10 years old male with protruding mass on the right frontal bone, and the other was a mass on right parietal bone in 12 years old male. On admission, the patients had headache and local tenderness without any abnormal neurological signs. Histopathologic findings show the fibrocartilagenous tissue and bone. The soft tissue is densely replaced by infiltrations of histiocytes, eosinophils, lymphocytes, plasma cells and multinucleated giants cells. Bone tissue is also infiltrated with identical cells. The differential diagnosis distiction between the cerebral granulomatosis is difficult.
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