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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1982;11(4): 443-451.
A Clinical Analysis of Occlussive Cerebrovascular Disease.
Han Kyu Kim, Soon Chul Kim, Kyung Ki Cho
Department of Neurosurgery, Presbyterian Medical Center, Jeonju, Korea.
The author analyzed 352 patients who had been admitted to P.M.C. with clinical signs and symptoms of occlussive stoke from 1973 to 1980. Cerebral angiography was performed on 250 patients and 126 patients of them were confirmed to have angiographical evidence of occlusion. We've analyzed these 126 patients in clinical point of view. As presented above, positive rate of angiography was 50%. The site of lesion was most common at MCA which was somewhat different from other reports, and the side of predelection was left. In majority of cases, the occlusive stroke was occurred in age group between 40 to 60, and man was about 3 times as common as woman. Risk factors, in our series, were hypertension, cardiac problems, diabetes and so on which were similar to other reports. Hypertension, the most common risk factor, correlated well to the peak age incidence but there was not any intimate relationship with the level of serum cholesterol. The outcome of medically treated group(112 patients) was somewhat better than surgery(14 patients). Among 12 of EIAB, TIA noted the best result compared to RIND and SIE. Meticulous selection of patient using CT scanning and measurement of rCBF would promote the benefit of surgery.
Key Words: Occlussive stroke; Cerebral angiography; Hypertension; TIA; EIAB
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