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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1981;10(1): 413-418.
Intramedullary Spinal Abscess: A Case Report.
Joong Wook Park, Ho Kyung Kim, Kyung Il Lim, Sam Suk Kang, Jung Hyun Woo
Department of Neurosurgery, Chonnam University Medical School, Kwang-ju, Korea.
A 42-year-old male was admitted to our clinic on May 4, 1980, because of slight neck stiffness, quadriparesis and urinary difficulty. On admission, neurological examination revealed alert mental state, slight neck stiffness, quadriparesis and loss of pain and temperature sense below the level of C3 sensory dermatome. All deep tendon reflexes were hyperactive and Babinski's sign was positive. Roentgenographic examination of the cervical spine showed widened interpedicular distance at C5 to C7 in A-P view. Myelogram disclosed widening of the dye column at C4 to T1 vertebral level, suggesting intramedullary tumor. Laminectomy was performed from the C5 to T2. The cord appeared to be widened and swollen at the C6-7 segment level. 1ml of yellowish pus was aspirated from the distended spinal cord at the C6 level. Mid-line posterior myelotomy was performed and hard cavity wall was visible. Upon incision of cavity wall, about 5ml of yellowish purulent pus exuded, allowing the cord to become "flaccid". The abscess cavity was irrigated with saline and penicillin solutions and a small rubber drain catheter was placed in the abscess cavity. The organism from the abscess was identified as Staphylococcus aureus. Postoperative course was uneventful. Antibiotic therapy was continued for four weeks after operation. The patient's condition was much improved and he could walk with assistance on discharge time.
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