Prediction of Hemifacial Spasm Re-Appearing Phenomenon after Microvascular Decompression Surgery in Patients with Hemifacial Spasm Using Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast Perfusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging
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Hemifacial spasm (HFS) is treated by a surgical procedure called microvascular decompression (MVD). However, HFS re-appearing phenomenon after surgery, presenting as early recurrence, is experienced by some patients after MVD. Dynamic susceptibility contrast (DSC) perfusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and two analytical methods : receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve and machine learning, were used to predict early recurrence in this study.
This study enrolled 60 patients who underwent MVD for HFS. They were divided into two groups : group A consisted of 32 patients who had early recurrence and group B consisted of 28 patients who had no early recurrence of HFS. DSC perfusion MRI was undergone by all patients before the surgery to obtain the several parameters. ROC curve and machine learning methods were used to predict early recurrence using these parameters.
Group A had significantly lower relative cerebral blood flow than group B in most of the selected brain regions, as shown by the region-of-interest-based analysis. By combining three extraction fraction (EF) values at middle temporal gyrus, posterior cingulate, and brainstem, with age, using naive Bayes machine learning method, the best prediction model for early recurrence was obtained. This model had an area under the curve value of 0.845.
By combining EF values with age or sex using machine learning methods, DSC perfusion MRI can be used to predict early recurrence before MVD surgery. This may help neurosurgeons to identify patients who are at risk of HFS recurrence and provide appropriate postoperative care.
A neuromuscular movement disorder that causes unilateral, involuntary, and intermittent contractions of the facial muscles innervated by the ipsilateral facial nerve (cranial nerve [CN] VII) is hemifacial spasm (HFS) [43]. A chronic vascular compression on the root exit zone of the CN VII is believed to be the main cause of HFS [27]. The offending vessel is separated from the CN VII and the compression is relieved by microvascular decompression (MVD), which is a surgical procedure [8]. The standard treatment modality for HFS has been established as MVD with a high success rate of above 95% and low complications [7,13,14,36]. However, immediate cessation of HFS after MVD is not experienced by some patients, but rather a recurrence of HFS within four days after surgery, which is called HFS re-appearing phenomenon after surgery or early recurrence. Concerns about the adequacy of decompression and the need for a second operation, which may not be necessary, are often raised by this phenomenon. The incidence, clinical factors, and prognosis of early recurrence have been investigated by previous studies, but the exact pathophysiology underlying its development remains unclear [10,19,37]. It has been suggested that spontaneous or ectopic excitation of the CN VII due to pulsatile compression by the vessel may result in HFS, and delayed relief or early recurrence of HFS may result from microinjury of CN VII or its nucleus from offending vessels even if decompression is sufficient [45].
Brain tissue perfusion based on the T2* effect after injection of a contrast agent is evaluated by dynamic susceptibility contrast (DSC) perfusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which is a technique. Important hemodynamic parameters in the brain, such as cerebral blood flow (CBF; mL/100 mL/min), cerebral blood volume (CBV; mL/100 mL), and mean transit time (MTT; minutes), are allowed to be estimated by it [11,47]. Dynamic contrast-enhanced perfusion MRI is often used to evaluate the integrity of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) based on T1 shortening after injection of a contrast agent. BBB leakage and contrast agent transfer constant, which is called as Ktran, are measured by it [11,47]. However, a double-contrast agent injection and a long scan time are required by performing both perfusion techniques in a patient. Therefore, an alternative DSC MRI method has been proposed to obtain information of permeability-related metrics called leakage and extraction fraction (EF), which describes the fraction of contrast agent that is extracted during the first passage through tissue as Ktran divided by blood flow [2]. The contrast agent does not leave the cerebral circulation because of BBB integrity under normal circumstances. However, a subtle leakage of contrast agent that can provide useful information to understand the disease may occur if BBB is disrupted by a disease.
A well-known disease entity in neurosurgery is HFS. An effective and safe treatment for HFS is MVD. However, early recurrence is an unpredictable course that requires a substantial time for resolution. The exact pathophysiology of early recurrence is still unknown and may be related to various clinical courses in the recovery period after MVD surgery. Brain perfusion in patients with brain tumors and stroke is routinely evaluated by DSC MRI, but brain perfusion in patients with HFS who underwent MVD surgery has not been evaluated by DSC MRI in any study. Therefore, the objective of this study was to predict early recurrence with DSC indices using machine learning analysis. The status of other brain regions related to various mechanisms of facial movement, such as movement initiation, dynamic facial expression, or emotional processing, was also suspected to have an effect on HFS. We hypothesized that early recurrence after MVD surgery may be helped to be predicted by DSC perfusion indices because different brain tissue perfusion and/or leakage than those without reappearing symptoms (no early recurrence) in some brain regions may be had by patients with early recurrence.
The study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. The Institutional Review Board (IRB) of Kyung Hee University Hospital at Gangdong in Seoul, Republic of Korea, approved this cross-sectional prospective study (IRB No. khnmc 2023-08-025) and a written informed consent was waived.
Patient population
The records of 83 patients who underwent MVD surgery for typical HFS at our hospital between January 2018 and December 2019 were retrospectively reviewed. Brain perfusion was assessed by preoperative DSC MRI and neurovascular conflict around CN VII was identified by axial three-dimensional (3D) proton-density volume isotropic turbo spin-echo acquisition (VISTA) sequence in 60 of these patients. The patients’ demographic data, such as age, sex, and side of spasm, were collected and analyzed. The patients were divided into two groups according to their postoperative course : group A consisted of 32 patients (53.3%) who had early recurrence, which means their spasm disappeared right after surgery but reappeared within four days and lasted for a long time; group B consisted of 28 patients (46.7%) who had no early recurrence, which means their spasm resolved completely after surgery and did not recur during the follow-up period. The demographic characteristics of the participants with early recurrence and no early recurrence in the HFS patients were summarized in Table 1. We also evaluated the occurrence of delayed reliefs.
MRI acquisition
MR images were obtained using a 3.0 Tesla MRI system (Ingenia, Philips Healthcare, Best, the Netherlands) with the 32 channer sensitivity encoding (SENSE) coil. The MRI protocol for HFS patients in our institute hospital consisted of the following sequences : sagittal 3D T1-weighted (T1W) image, axial 3D time-of-flight, axial 3D proton-density VISTA, axial 2D T2-weighted turbo spin-echo, axial fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR), axial DSC MRI, and axial contrast-enhanced 3D T1W VISTA. The sagittal 3D T1W image was acquired using the turbo-field echo sequence with the isotropic voxel size for evaluation of brain lesions, image registration, and brain tissue segmentation with the following imaging parameters : repetition time (TR)/echo time (TE)/inversion time (TI)=8.1/3.7/1013 ms; flip angle=8°; matrix=236×236; and voxel size=1×1×1 mm3.
The DSC MRI image was obtained with a 2D axial single-shot gradient-echo echo-planar imaging (EPI) sequence with following parameters : TR/TE=1800/32 ms; flip angle=35°; field of view (FOV)=210×210; acquisition matrix=132×135; reconstruction matrix=256×256; acquisition voxel size=1.67×1.74×5.00 mm3; reconstruction voxel size=0.92×0.92×5.00 mm3; slice thickness=5 mm without gap; number of slices=24; SENSE factor=3; EPI factor= 45; number of average=1; number of dynamic scans=130; and total scan duration=4 minutes. Gadolinium-based MRI contrast agents with a standard dose of 0.1 mmol/kg were injected intravenously at 4.5 mL/sec.
DSC parameter mapping
DSC MRI data were processed using nordicICE software (version 4.1.2; NordicNeuroLab, Bergen, Norway). A motion correction was applied to minimize artifacts from participant’s movement. The temporal smoothing, which was a low-pass filter, was performed using Gaussian kernel of 2×2×2 pixels to reduce effects of noise and spikes in the dynamic signal response. The signal change was converted to relative contrast agent concentration. The resulting concentration time-curve was used or further analysis using an automatic detection of an arterial input function. We used a standard singular value decomposition (SVD) method with iterative thresholding Tikhonov regularization [30,44]. The relative CBV (rCBV) map referenced to white matter tissue was estimated by using residue area-under curve. The leakage (extravasation) correction was performed to correct both positive (T2 effect) and negative (T1 effect) effects with the parametric residue leakage fitting method [2,3,42] and to map leakage or contrast agent permeability (Ktran) map. Output maps were rCBF, rCBV, relative mean transit time (rMTT), leakage or Ktran map (1/min), EF, and mean baseline signal intensity maps.
Post-processing of DSC maps
To analyze the DSC maps on the standard brain template space, the following processing was performed using Statistical Parametric Mapping-version 12 (SPM12) software (Wellcome Department of Imaging Neuroscience, University College, London, UK). First, the 3D T1W image and the mean baseline signal intensity map for each participant were co-registered. As a result, all DSC maps were also co-registered into 3D T1W image. Second, the 3D T1W image was segmented into gray matter and white matter using the CAT12 tool ( to obtain brain tissue information and was spatially normalized to the standard brain template provided in the CAT12 tool. All DSC maps were also spatially normalized into the standard template using the deformation field information of 3D T1W. Finally, Gaussian smoothing using a full-width at half maximum of 10×10×0 mm3 was performed for the voxel-based statistical analysis of all maps, including the gray matter (GMV) and white matter (WMV) volumes.
Statistical analysis
Demographic data and clinical outcome scores
The independent t-test was used to compare age between the two participant groups. The chi-squared test was used to compare sex and the left and right operation sides between the two participant groups.
Voxel-based analysis of brain tissue volumes and DSC parameter maps
Group comparisons of GMV, WMV, and all DSC maps were performed using the voxel-based independent t-test with age as the covariate. A significance level of α=0.05 was applied with correction for multiple comparisons using the false discovery rate method and the clusters with at least 100 contiguous voxels were also applied.
Region-of-interest (ROI)-based analysis of brain tissue volumes and DSC index values
To obtain values of the brain tissue volumes and DSC indices in the specific brain areas, the atlas-based ROIs were defined at the following 13 brain areas defined the base on the result of the voxel-based analysis using WFU_PickAtlas software ( : amygdala, parahippocampal gyrus, anterior cingulate (AC), posterior cingulate (PC), fusiform gyrus, precuneus, supramarginal gyrus, middle temporal gyrus (MTG), middle frontal gyrus (MFG), and middle occipital gyrus (MOG), cerebellum culmen, cerebellum declive, and brainstem. The mean values for all indices for each ROI and for each participant were obtained from all defined areas using the Marsbar software (Matthew Brett, We performed the following statistical analyses using the ROI data. First, to compare each index value between the two participant groups, an independent t-test was performed for each area. Second, to evaluate the differentiation between reappearing and no-reappearing symptom groups using each index value, a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis was performed for each area. For those ROI analyses, α<0.05 was used to determine the significance level. The statistical analysis was performed using the MedCalc statistical software (; Ostend, Belgium).
Finally, to predict reappearing and no-reappearing symptom groups, the following two-steps analyses were performed. Firstly, the features were selected using the optimized combination-feature (OCF) setting method to minimize the curse of dimensionality for each DSC index [18]. The number of combinations was estimated to be a combination of features from a minimum of single to a maximum of 13 ROI values for each DSC index as well as age and sex. Second, the machine learning kernel classifiers were trained to predict the reappearing and no-reappearing symptom groups using the three different support vector machine (SVM) kernels which are the linear kernel (1st order polynomial SVS or SVM1), quadratic kernel (2nd order polynomial SVM or SVM2), cubic kernel (3rd order polynomial SVM or SVM3) as well as the two additional models of Booststrap-Aggregated decision tree or Tree Bagger (TB) [26] and kernel based naive Bayes (NB) [25] models. The dataset was randomly evaluated for the test dataset using a 3-fold cross validation technique. The result of this analysis was presented by the five largest area under curve (AUC) values with the number of OCF set and with the kernel type.
Participant characteristics
No significant difference in age (p=0.602) or sex (chi-square=0.417, p=0.519) was found between the two participant groups. Right side operations (Lt/Rt, 10/22) had a very significant higher occurrence of reappearance compared to no reappearance (16/12). The demographic data of the participants and the results of the statistical analysis were summarized in Table 1. Although no significant difference for either age or sex was found between the two groups, we used both parameters as control factors when we performed data because perfusion parameters are usually depended on age and sex in human.
Of the patients included in our study, 32 patients experienced HFS recurrence more than a day after MVD surgery, despite having immediate symptom relief. The mean time to symptom recurrence was 2.6 days after surgery. Of these 32 patients, 23 patients had their symptom disappearance during the follow-up period, with a mean time of symptom resolution of 2.7 months (1 week to 12 months) postoperatively. The other nine patients did not see any improvement in their recurrent symptoms during the follow-up period, although eight of them had milder symptoms than before surgery. One patient’s symptom recurred on the fourth day after surgery, and remained the same as before surgery despite 33 months of follow-up. In addition, six out of nine patients with persistent symptoms were lost to follow-up before 1 year had passed, so it was not possible to know whether their symptoms had improved later. There were no statistical significances between symptom recurrence and hypertension and diabetes, which are related factors of HFS (p=1.000 and p=0.254, respectively).
Voxel-based analysis of maps
Fig. 1 shows representative DSC maps obtained from two male HFS patients : one with reappearing symptom (58-year-old) and one without reappearing symptom (56-year-old) after the MVD surgery. DSC maps provide detailed information of brain structures. The patient without reappearing symptom had higher rCBF than the patient with reappearing symptom. The patient with reappearing symptom had higher EF than the patient without reappearing symptom.

Representative dynamic susceptibility contrast maps obtained from hemifacial spasm patients with (58-year-old, male) and without (56-year-old, male) reappearing symptoms after microvascular decompression surgery. rCBF is higher in patients without a reappearing symptom than in patients with a reappearing symptom, but EF is higher patients with a reappearing symptom than in patients without a reappearing symptom. rCBF : relative cerebral blood flow, rCBV : relative cerebral blood volume, MTT : mean transit time, EF : extraction fraction.
Fig. 2 shows results of the voxel-based independent t-test analysis between HFS patients with and without reappearing symptom groups after the MVD surgery for each DSC map. In the most of brain areas, especially in the cerebellum culmen, cingulate gyrus, and precuneus, rCBF was reduced in the symptom reappearance group. rCBV was also reduced in the symptom reappearance group, especially in the cerebellum declive and brainstem. However, rMTT was increased in the symptom reappearance group in the most of brain areas, especially in the supramarginal gyrus. EF was also increased in the symptom reappearance group, especially in the medial and superior frontal gyrus, and temporal lobe. Leakage, GMV, and WMV maps did not differ significantly between the patient groups. Supplementary Table 1 lists the detailed locations of the significant differences between the two patient groups for rCBF (A), rCBV (B), rMTT (C), and EF (D).

Voxel-based independent t-test results between hemifacial spasm patients with and without reappearing symptoms after microvascular decompression surgery for each dynamic susceptibility contrast map. The red color indicates higher values in the no-reappearing group than the reappearing group, while the blue color indicates the opposite. Leakage and brain tissue volumes of gray matter and white matter were not significantly different between the two groups. rCBF : relative cerebral blood flow, rCBV : relative cerebral blood volume, MTT : mean transit time, EF : extraction fraction.
ROI-based group comparisons of DSC index values
Table 2 lists the result of the independent sample t-test between HFS patients with and without reappearing symptom groups after the MVD surgery for rCBF values in the specific brain areas. The rCBF value was significantly decreased in most of the selected brain areas in the reappearing group compared to the no-reappearing group, except the amygdala and supramarginal gyrus. Results of the independent sample t-test for other DSC indices were summarized in Supplementary Table 2 for both rCBV and rMTT and Supplementary Table 3 for both leakage and EF. In all selected areas, rCBV and rMMT values did not differ significantly between the two groups. Only in the supramarginal gyrus, both Leakage and EF were significantly different between the two groups.
Prediction of the symptom reappearance group
ROC analysis
Table 3 lists results of ROC curve analysis for rCBF values in the specific brain areas. In most of the specific brain areas, the rCBF value in the reappearance group was significantly differentiated from that of the no reappearance group. The right amygdala had the largest AUC value (AUC, 0.718), followed by the right parahippocampal gyrus (AUC, 0.711). Results of ROC curve analyses for other DSC indices are summarized in Supplementary Table 4 for rCBV and rMTT and Supplementary Table 5 for leakage and EF. None of these indices (rCBV, rMTT, leakage, and EF) could significantly differentiate the two groups.
Machine learning-based analysis
Table 4 lists the result of prediction analysis using machine learning at 13 ROIs for each DSC index in the specific brain areas. The differentiation between reappearing and no-reappearing symptom groups was best predicted by the NB model, which combined the three different EF values at MTG, PC, and brainstem with age (AUC, 0.845). The TB model, which combined the seven different MTT values at AC, culmen. fusiform gyrus, MFG, MTG, parahippocampal gyrus, and supramarginal gyrus, had the second largest AUC value (AUC, 0.830). The 2nd SVM model, which combined the seven different leakage values at amygdala, AC, culmen. fusiform gyrus, MOG, parahippocampal gyrus, and supramarginal gyrus, had the third largest AUC value (AUC, 0.801).
HFS is a condition caused by neurovascular compression of the facial nerve, which can be treated by MVD surgery. However, the recovery process after MVD surgery is not well understood, and some patients may experience early recurrence, which is the recurrence of HFS symptoms within 4 days after the surgery. To help neurosurgeons prevent early recurrence, we need to find a way to predict it before MVD surgery. In this study, we used DSC MRI, a technique that measures the perfusion parameters of the brain tissue, to compare early recurrence from no early recurrence patients. We found that: early recurrence patients had significantly lower rCBF than no early recurrence patients in most brain regions (Table 2). In addition, a machine learning model that combined EF and demographic factors such as age or sex could accurately predict early recurrence from no early recurrence (Table 4). Therefore, DSC MRI is a useful imaging technique to predict early recurrence from no early recurrence.
rCBF was much lower in early recurrence patients than in no early recurrence patients
One of the main findings of our study was that early recurrence patients had significantly lower rCBF than no early recurrence patients in most brain regions. This suggests that the neurovascular compression of the facial nerve, which is the main cause of primary HFS, impaired the perfusion of the brain tissue [12]. The offending arteries that compress the facial nerve root entry zone (REZ) may include the anterior inferior cerebellar artery (AICA), posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA), vertebral artery (VA), or multiple offending arteries. The recurrence of HFS after MVD surgery may be contributed by several factors, such as : the blood flow in their supply area may be reduced by the cumulative effect of compression by multiple perforator arterioles [38]. Reduced blood flow and recurrence may be led by the inappropriate insertion of Teflon, which may fail to absorb the pulse energy or induce local inflammation due to direct compression of the facial REZ [23]. The contact area and demyelination of the nerve may be increased by the ventrocaudal location of the offending vessel, resulting in a wider range of nerve dysfunction [28]. The degree of interaction between offending vessels and nerve may be affected by these factors, which can be reflected by the perfusion parameters measured by DSC MRI. A measure of the rate of delivery of arterial blood to a capillary bed in the brain tissue is rCBF. The early recurrence group had significantly decreased rCBF in the territories of AICA, PICA, and VA compared to the no early recurrence group. Local hemodynamic changes of some macro- and micro-vessels caused by increasing tortuosity of vessels were indicated by higher mean blood flow velocities in patients with the HFS, as found by a previous study [33]. The CBF value after the MVD surgery might be increased when the CBF value in the HFS patients before the MVD surgery is low, which causes to increase in the deformative force of the offending arteries and increased tortuosity of vessels. HFS symptoms might be caused to reappear by this [5,6].
In summary, we may explain reasons why HFS patients with low CBF have more recurrent than those with high CBF after MVD surgery : first, low CBF may indicate a chronic and severe compression of the facial nerve by the vessel, which may cause more damage and dysfunction to the nerve and its nucleus. Second, low CBF may also reflect a reduced blood supply to the brain regions involved in facial movement, such as the cerebellum, the temporal lobe, and the cingulate gyrus, which may impair the recovery of the nerve function after surgery. Third, low CBF may increase the deformative force and tortuosity of the offending vessel, which may cause it to recontact facial nerve after surgery and trigger the spasm again. However, more studies are needed to confirm the exact pathophysiology and prognosis of early recurrence. Our hypothesis that rCBF can be used as an indicator of neurovascular compression and recurrence risk in HFS patients was confirmed by this. The failure of MVD can be attributed to the recurrence of symptoms within such a short timeframe. This scenario often occurred when the medial exposure of the armpit’s facial nerve root was insufficient, and the conflict site remained inadequately detached from the offending artery. Due to the reliance of HFS episodes on precise compression with specific amplitude and frequency corresponding to blood pressure and heartbeat, a loss of accurate impact on the facial root may result from any slight alteration in the relative positioning of the artery and nerve during cerebellum elevation.
Prediction of the early recurrence patient using the machine learning analysis
We used machine learning methods to predict early recurrence patients after MVD surgery based on the DSC indices. We found that the EF parameter, which reflects the vascular permeability and the breakdown of BBB, was a good predictor of early recurrence patients using the NB and the 2nd SVM methods. EF describes the fraction of the contrast agent that is extracted during the first passage through the tissue. Our results showed that the EF value was higher in early recurrence patients than in no early recurrence patients (Fig. 2 and Supplementary Table 3), indicating that there was a certain degree of BBB damage in the early recurrence patients. A previous DSC MRI study has shown that EF has the highest diagnostic performance for differentiating different types of tumors [1]. Although we found that rCBF significantly decreased in the early recurrence patients (Fig. 2 and Table 2), the machine learning analysis showed that the AUC value was lower with rCBF than with EF.
We also identified some brain regions that were important for predicting early recurrence patients based on the EF value, such as the brainstem, MTG, amygdala, and PC. These regions are related to the facial nerve function and emotional processing, which may be affected by neurovascular compression and recurrence of HFS. The facial nerve REZ in the brainstem is the most directly involved in the development of HFS, as it leads to hyperexcitability of facial motor nucleus and functional changes of brainstem [20,21]. The MTG is involved in dynamic facial expression and emotional processing, along with other regions such as superior temporal sulcus and amygdala [17,29,34,35]. The PC is involved in executive control of movement initiation and integration of motor and attention processes, which may be impaired by neurovascular compression and recurrence of HFS [15,24,32,41]. A previous study showed that GMV in these regions was significantly abnormal in HFS patients compared with controls [1]. Moreover, emotional upheaval may trigger spasms by increasing vessel pulsation and nerve abrasion [45]. Amygdala and parahippocampal gyrus are implicated in stress responses and emotional stimuli processing [9]. Therefore, we hypothesize that brain damage in these regions may lead to emotional instability, resulting in early recurrence. The emotional upheaval may not be directly related to blood flow or recurrence of HFS after surgery. However, we considered that other brain areas related to facial movement would also have an effect on facial spasms, so we included brain areas such as the amygdala and parahippocampal gyrus in this study. In general, previous studies showed that age and sex did not associate with predicting early recurrence patients after MVD surgery. However, our machine learning models showed better prediction when age and/or sex were combined with DSC indices. This result may suggest that age is associated with CBF changes.
We found that the machine learning methods of NB model (EF; AUC, 0.845), the TB model (MTT; AUC, 0.830), and the 2nd SVM model (leakage; AUC, 0.801) were good tools for predicting early recurrence patients. First, the NB model is trained that the method estimates the parameters of a probability distribution, assuming predictors are conditionally independent given the class. It computes the posterior probability of that sample belonging to each class. It was classified to estimate the parameters required for accurate classification while using less training data than many other classifiers. A major advantage to NB classifiers is that they are not prone to overfitting, thanks to the fact that they “ignore” irrelevant features. Second, the TB model is an ensemble of bagged decision trees for either classification or regression. Individual decision trees tend to overfit. Bagging, which stands for bootstrap aggregation, is an ensemble method that reduces the effects of overfitting and improves generalization. Finally, the KernelSVM model classifies data by finding the best hyperplane that separates all data points of one class from those of the other class. The Kernel-SVM can effectively handle non-linear decision boundaries, control overfitting by adjusting the regularization parameter and Kernel parameters and performed well even with small datasets.
Predicting early recurrence patients after MVD surgery is important for improving surgical outcomes and reducing complications. MVD is the treatment of choice for HFS, due to its high rate of complete resolution. However, some patients experience recurrent or persistent symptoms after surgery, which may require reoperation. The second surgery is reported to be more difficult and riskier than the first surgery, due to adhesion, narrow FOV, and nerve stretching injury [16,38,46]. Therefore, it is very important to predict recurrence of HFS after the first surgery.
The main causes of HFS persistence or recurrence are missed compression zones or improper use of Teflon [23,31]. Most missed compression zones are located in the ventrolateral pons area or bulbopontine sulcus, besides the REZ region. Improper use of Teflon can lead to insufficient decompression or local inflammation due to direct compression of facial REZ. These factors may result in multiple offending vessels or trunk vessel compression rather than single perforator arteriole compression. DSC MRI can detect these situations by measuring the changes in rCBV, rCBF, and MTT, which may suggest multiple offending vessels or main vessel compression. Thus, neurosurgeons should pay attention to these regions and use proper amount of Teflon to displace the responsible vessels during MVD surgery. Using DSC MRI to predict whether patients have potential multi-vessel or main vessel compression is very potential to predict the possible situation of surgery and prevent recurrence of HFS.
Delayed relief of HFS after MVD surgery
We found that 23 patients of the 32 patients who had symptom recurrence after MVD surgery had their symptoms disappear during the follow-up period, with a mean time of symptom resolution of 2.7 months postoperatively. Various studies have reported delayed relief of HFS after MVD surgery. According to the study of Li [22], 41 (7.4%) out of 545 patients had persistent spasms after surgery, of whom 33 had resolution within 1 year. On the other hand, Ishikawa et al. [10] observed a delayed relief in half of their 175 patients; the delayed relief was within 1 week in 25%, 1 month in 50%, and 8 months in 90%. In the study of Sindou [40] of 147 patients, complete relief of the spasm was delayed in one-third of the patients. The delay was less than 6 months in 50%, between 6 months and 1 year in 38%, and more than 1 year in 12%, of whom two patients took up to 3.5 years. In another study about the failure of MVD, the authors recommended waiting at least 3 months before deciding on reoperation even if the outcomes were unsatisfactory after MVD [45]. Some authors suggested that reoperation should be considered after at least 1 year of follow-up [4,39]. Most of the patients in our study were cured of recurrent symptoms after 2.7 months, but it was difficult to determine MVD failure or delayed relief in patients whose symptoms did not improve within 1 year of follow-up. One patient’s symptoms remained the same as before surgery even after 33 months of follow-up, which could indicate MVD failure.
Although we provided evidence for DSC parameters alteration in early recurrence patients, our study has some limitations that may affect the generalization of the results. First, the recurrence rate after our intraoperation is much higher than expected. Second, we did not perform MVD again on the early recurrence patients, so it is difficult to determine the specific reason for the recurrence. Teflon adhesions and secondary granulomas may distort nerves and cause compression again [38]. This situation is not suitable for predicting the probability of recurrence.
Early recurrence patients had reduced rCBF compared with no early recurrence patients in most of the defined brain areas. The EF parameter of DSC MRI, using a machine learning method, can distinguish early recurrence patients from no early recurrence patients. Thus, DSC perfusion is a useful tool to predict HFS recurrence before intra-operation, and help neurosurgeons anticipate possible problems during MVD surgery.
Conflicts of interest
No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.
Informed consent
This type of study does not require informed consent.
Author contributions
Conceptualization : GHJ; Data curation : GHJ; Formal analysis : XYG, HGK, GHJ; Funding acquisition : GHJ; Methodology : XYG, HGK, GHJ; Project administration : GHJ; Visualization : XYG, HGK, GHJ; Writing - original draft : SHL, XYG, GHJ; Writing - review & editing : SHL, XYG, HGK, HCK, SP, CWR, GHJ
Data sharing
The authors would like to express their gratitude to Professor Seung Hwan Lee, who is a neurosegen and is currently hospitalized due to a serious illness. Professor Lee initiated this project with Dr. Geon-Ho Jahng, but he was unable to continue his contribution. Therefore, this paper is dedicated to Professor Lee. In addition, the authors thank Mr. Justin Jang (Dynapex LLC, Seoul, Korea) for a technical support to batch-processing DSC images. Finally, the authors appreciate Miss Seon Hwa Lee (Clinical Research Institute, Kyung Hee University Hospital at Gangdong, Seoul, Korea) for providing advice on the statistical analyses.
The research was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grants funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT (RS-2024-00335770, G.H.J.), Republic of Korea.
Supplementary materials
The online-only data supplement is available with this article at
Results of the voxel-based comparisons of rCBF, rCBV, rMTT, EF maps between participants with and without reappearing symptom after microvascular decompression surgery in the hemifacial spasm patients
Results of comparisons of rCBV and rMTT values between participants with and without reappearing symptom after microvascular decompression surgery in the hemifacial spasm patients in the specific brain areas
Results of comparisons of leakage and EF values between participants with and without reappearing symptom after microvascular decompression surgery in the hemifacial spasm patients in the specific brain areas
Results of a ROC curve analysis of rCBV and rMTT values in the specific brain areas between reappearing and noreappearing symptom groups after microvascular decompression surgery in the hemifacial spasm patients
Results of a ROC curve analysis of leakage and EF values in the specific brain areas between reappearing and no-reappearing symptom groups after microvascular decompression surgery in the hemifacial spasm patients