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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1972;1(1): 39-44.
Stereotaxic Encephalometry.
Chunl Woo Lee
Asea Neurosurgical Hospital, Taegu, Korea.
A new method for simple and accurate localization of stereotaxic targets around the third ventricle and thalamus was presented. In order to save the time and aim to localize the target even in non-visualized pneumoencephalogram during the stereotaxic procedure, a simple scale-Triangular measuring plate- has been devised. The plate which is based upon such landmarks as anterior notch of the frontal fossa, internal occipital proturbance and mid seller point shows the localization of Foramen of Monro, Thalamic Ventrolateral Nucleus and Ventralsi Intermedius Necleus etc. The triangular plate can easily be superimposed on routine skull X-ray film or pneumoencephalogram take before and during the stereotaixic surgery so that the target can at once be visualized or confirmable on the films. Pneumoencephalography is usually carried out three to five days before the surgery scheduled o exclude an unwilling headache by the day of surgery. One may point out the exact target desired on pneumoencephalogram by using the triangular measuring plate and this determined target can accurately be indicated on the films taken during the surgery. Further more experience and studies with the stereotaxic encephalometry will be expected in the future.
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