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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1972;1(1): 180-184.
Dense Calcification in Medulloblastoma: Case Report.
Hyun Jae Rhee, Maeng Ki Choi, Youn Kim, Kil Soo Choi, Jeong Wha Chu, Bo Sung Sim
Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University, College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
The medulloblastoma, a neoplastic emtity which was first identified and described in 1925 by Bailey and Cushing, is a highly malignant, rapidly growing tumor mainly confined to the first decade of life. The medulloblastoma rarely calcifies. Many investigator have reported that medulloblastoma may exhibit calcification only on microscopic examination. Roentgenographic evidence of calcification was found in one case of 54 patients with medulloblastomas by McRae, and in only one case of 96 patients with medulloblastomas by Kalan. A twelve-year-old Korean male was admitted to Seoul National University Hospital on May 1, 1972 with the complaints of severe occipital headache, vomiting, and unsteady gait of five months duration. Neurological examination revealed bilateral papilledema of 3 diopters, signs of cerebellar dysfunction on the left side including truncal ataxia, adiadochokinesia, positive Romberg test and markedlv distured tandem gait. Horizontal nystagmus with quick component directed to the left side was also found. Plain skull films showed suture separation and an abnormal calcific shadow measuring about 2 by 2.5cm in the posterior fossa. Reflux brachial angiogram showed marked bowing of anterior cerebral artery, and elevation of middle and posterior cerebral arteries suggesting a large mass in the posterior fossa causing obstruction of CFS pathways resulting in marked dilatation of ventricular system. Exploring the posterior fossa, a soft grayish tumor mass was removed partially. Microscopic diagnosis was medulloblastoma of desmoplastic type with calcification. Postoperatively CSF leakage through the incision site was encountered, but was controlled to be healed up by compression bandage. The patient showed no significant change of neurological status by the time of discharge. The patient was scheduled to undergo Co60 radiation therapy after discharge.
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