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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1975;4(2): 175-182.
An Experimental Study on the Effects of Bilateral Amygdaloid Destruction.
Sun Ho Chee
Department of Neurosurgery, Ewha Womans University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
To investigate the functions of the amygdala in limbic system, changes in heart rate and body temperature resulting from electrical destructions of amygdala centralis and piriform cortex were observed in a total of 40 rats varying in weight from 180 to 250g with the use of stereotaxic apparatus(Reyniers and Sons). The results were as follows; 1) Bilateral destructions of amygdala centralis revealed a tendency to increased heart rate and decreased rectal temperature. 2) Bilateral destructions of piriform cortex revealed no changes in heart rate and rectal temperature. Therefore, it is assumed that cardiovascular and temperature responses are not significantly resulted from the electrical destructions of amygdala centralis and piriform cortex.
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