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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1977;6(2): 407-410.
Aphasia in Multiple Sclerosis.
Soon Chang Chung, Jae Young Kang, Kwan Sik Kim, Mun Bae Ju
Department of Neurosurgery, Korea General Hospital, Seoul, Korea.
Aphasia as clinical manifestation of cerebral multiple sclerosis is a rarity. We report here a clinical case of multiple sclerosis complicated by striking motor aphasia. A 11 year old male was admitted with sudden onset of aphasia and quadriparesis following appendectomy under the general anesthesia. A few hour after operation, above symptoms and bilateral pyramidal signs were developed. These findings were fluctuated but slowly remitted. Two weeks later second bout of multiple sclerosis developed, characterized by absent spontaneous speech, quadriparesis, multiple cranial nerve palsies internuclear ophthalmoplegia and bilateral pyramidal signs. The finding of E.E.G. disclosed paroxysmal slow waves in high amplitude on frontal region. Patient was treated with steroids and conservative management. Eleven weeks later, he was discharged with relatively good results.
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