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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1978;7(1): 155-158.
Transaxillary Upper Thoracic Sympathectomy.
Jong Ku Choi, Hung Seob Chung, Jong Wha Chu, Ki Chan Lee
Department of Neurosurgery, College of Medicine, Korea University, Seoul, Korea.
Vascular lesions involving the upper extremities have been treated by different route of upper thoracic sympathectomy with varying success. More recently, the anatomic and physiologic interest for autonomic nervous system has been progressively mounted but the surgical attack has plateau. It may be worthy for academic interest and clinical practice to estimate and to compare with the different surgical method. This paper concerns the treatment of a case suffering from atherosclerotic occlusion whom were treated by upper thoracic sympathetic ganglionectomy through the transaxillary transpleural route. This operation seems to be simpler than other surgical methods with lower morbidity, fewer complication and satisfying results.
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