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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1978;7(2): 439-446.
Tuberculous Brain Abscess of the Cerebellum.
Bark Jang Byun, Chung Bai Moon, In Soo Lee
Department of Neurosurgery, Soon Chun Hyang Medical College, Seoul, Korea.
The authors describe a case of tuberculous abscess of the cerebellum that originating probably from pulmonary lesion. The development of such a lesion indicates a persistence of infection and an immunological breakdown which may party have been due to unsatisfactory chemotherapy and protein malnutrition. Tuberculous brain abscess, an encapsulated collection of pus containing viable tubercle bacilli, is quite rare and it is different from tuberculoma in several points. Only five cases of tuberculous abscess have been fully documented and bacteriologically confirmed. The clinical, laboratory, and histopathological findings of those reported cases and the author's have been discussed.
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