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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1980;9(2): 615-620.
Wide-Spread Benign Schwannoma Involving Multiple Cervical Vertebral Bodies.
Yong Tai Kim, Hae Dong Jho, Yung Rak Yoo, Nam Kyu Kim, Hwan Yung Chung
Department of Neurosurgery, Hanyang University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
Benign Schwannoma rarely involves the vertebral bodies extensively. Two cases of widespread involvement of cervical vertebral bodies by Schwannoma are reported. Despite of huge amount of neoplastic mass and severe destructive bony changes, the neurologic deficits were minimal and postoperative result was not discouraging. Finding of plain X-rays, cervical CT scan and tumor pathology were discussed as well as surgical approach.
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