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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1981;10(1): 269-274.
Surgical Approach to the Juxtasellar Meningioma.
Byung Kyu Cho, Hyun Jip Kim, Kil Soo Choi
Department of Neurosurgery, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
Meningioma of the sellar and parasellar origins grows usually to enormous size having complicated anatomical relations with olfactory and optic nerves, internal carotid artery and its major branches, cavernous sinus, and ventral diencephalons, so as daren't attack them. Visual failure, symptom and signs of increased intrcranial pressure are the most important problems to be solved in the treatment. Three cases of juxtasellar meningioma, one tuberculum sellae, two medial sphenoid ridge were removed under special designs including craniotomy permitting bi-directional approaches, frontal polar wedge resection, and pursuit of major vessels etc., and it was felt that complete removal with functional recovery used not to be always impossible in some cases. Technical problems and results are reported.
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