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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1982;11(4): 507-513.
Visual Field Defect and CT Findings in Epidural Hematoma.
Byung Il Cho, Young Soo Ha, Joon Ki Kang, Jin Un Song
Department of Neurosurgery, Catholic Medical College, Seoul, Korea.
The evidence of infarction within the territory of the posterior cerebral artery could be diagnosed clinically using follow-up CT scan in whilt it has been pathologically well proved entity when the tentorial herniation occurred particulary in cases of head trauma with intracranial hematoma, although its incidence was generally within 10%. Visual field defects in traumatic intracranial surface hematomas have been proposed as result and directly optic tract or visual cortex. Authors experienced the infarction of occipital and temporal lobe on CT scans and the homonymous hemianopsia in 3 cases of 20 epidural hematomas after CT was available. The case histories and CT findings of the infarction were detailed and discussed. It may be stressed that the careful examination and frequent follow-up CT scan are performed even in epidural hematoma.
Key Words: Epidural hematoma; Infarction; Visual field defect; CT scan
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