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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1982;11(4): 533-542.
Clinical Analysis of Functiononing Pituitary Adenoma.
Kwan Park, Kil Soo Choi, Hyun Jip Kim, Chong Sun Kim
Department of Neurosurgery, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
Forty-four patients were operated on functioning pituitary adenomas during 5 years since Jun. 1977 at the Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University Hospital. Clinical and laboratory findings were analyzed and the following results were obtained. 1) The peak incidence was in the 3rd and 4th decade 21 cases were male and 23 cases were female. 2) Endocrinologic study revealed prolactinoma in 28 cases(37%), somatotropic adenoma in 13 cases(17%), corticotropic adenoma in 3 cases(4%), endocrine-inactive adenoma in 32 cases(42%). 3) MAin symptoms were endocrine symptoms(86%), headache(75%) and visual field defect(59%). 4) Seven(16%) were in the stage I(micro-adenoma), 27(61%) in the stage II, 6(14%) in the stage III, 4(9%) in the stage IV. 5) The rate of endocrinologic cure or improvement was 65% in prolactinoma and 75% in somatotropic adenoma. This result was less favorable less favorable than the result of other recent studies, but it seemed to be due to large proportion of large or invasive adenoma instead of micro-adenoma in this series. 6) In prolactinoma, 7 out of 12 patients with amenorrhea resumed menstrual cycle and 2 patients had pregnancies postoperatively. 7) The visual field defect was improved in 16 of 21 cases(76%) postoperatively.
Key Words: Prolactinoma; Acromegaly; Micro-adenoma; Transsphenoidal approach; Bromocryptine; Visual field defect
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