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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1983;12(4): 577-582.
Spinal Interbody Fusion with Bovine Bone: A preliminary report.
Joo Seung Kim, Uhn Lee, Suk Jun Oh, Hae Dong Jho, Young Rak Yoo, Nam Kyu Kim, Hwan Yung Chung
Department of Neurosurgery, College of Medicine, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea.
The authors experienced on the use of bovine bone in 3 cases of interbody fusion employing the Cloward technique. Two patients were cervical fracture-dislocation and one patient was a case of lumbar spondylolysis. With use of bovine bone, iliac osteotomy is unnecessary, and this procedure is no problem of donor site pain and infection which can be possible in interbody fusion with iliac bone and rib graft. With the use of bovine bone the additional advantages are. 1) The operative procedure is simplified. 2) The time required for the operation is diminished. 3) Patient meralgia is eliminated completely. 4) The surgeon can have uniformly sized bones of a proven hardness on hand. 5) The epidural bleeding is showed through lattice of bovine bone.
Key Words: Bovine bone; Cloward technique; Iliac osteotomy; Interbody fusion
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