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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1984;13(1): 151-166.
Neurinomas of the Trigeminal Nerve: Report of 4 Cases.
Young Seob Chung, Je Geun Chi, Hee Won Jung, Dae Hee Han
1Department of Neurosurgery, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
2Department of Pathology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
Neurinomas of the trigeminal nerve are relatively rare tumors that are arising from the gasserian ganglion or trigeminal nerve root and constitute 0.2% of all brain tumors. Although the most common clinical feature is the signs of trigeminal nerve involvement, the symptoms and signs are so variable that middle fossa syndrome, symptoms and signs of cerebellopontine angle tumor, cerebellar and brain stem compression may be developed sequentially through the extension of tumor. Radiological studies such as plain skull x-ray, angiogram and pneumoencephalogram are known to be helpful, but now the CT scan gives the early detection of the small tumors as well as the definite diagnostic clues and anatomical location. The profusely and beautifully illustrated one hundred thirty one cases that have been found from the literature are reviewed. Authors present four cases of neurinoma of the trigeminal nerve operated during recent one year with the analysis of clinical features, comparing with the cases reviewed from the literature.
Key Words: Neurinoma; Trigeminal nerve; Brain tumor; Clinical features
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