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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1984;13(3): 391-403.
CT Guided Stereotaxic Biopsy for the Differential Diagnosis of Brain Lesions.
Young Kim, Moon Chan Kim, Min Woo Baik, Tae Hoon Jo, Joon Ki Kang, Jin Un Song
Department of Neurosurgery, Catholic Medical College, Seoul, Korea.
Some intracranial masses are usually treated following a presumptive diagnosis based on the clinical picture and neurological studies but in some instances a proven histological diagnosis might alter the method of treatment as well as affect the prognosis. Open surgical biopsy however might cause serious neurological deficit in many of these patients however a stereotaxic approach might avoid such problems. For the correct three dimensional target localization on CT scan we developed nearly artifact free simplified CT interface frame that accurately interface between the CT scanner and the stereotasic instrument makes it possible to take biopsies at exact and with low risk. In 10 patients CT interfaced stereotaxic biopsy of brain lesions were performed. 100% accurate histological diagnosis was obtained and helped considerably in planning further therapy. The localization error was less than 0.04mm and no significant complications occured in these patients.
Key Words: Brain CT scan; Stereotaxis; Brain biopsy; Interface frame
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