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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1984;13(3): 425-431.
Clinical Analysis of Intracranial Tuberculomas.
Soon Phil Park, Jong Hyun Choi, Jong Oung Doh
Department of Neurosurgery, National Medical Center, Seoul, Korea.
We have experienced 10 cases of intracranial tuberculoma which were confirmed by CT scan in National Medical Center from Jan. '79 to Aug. '82. The analysis is based on 10 cases with intracranial tuberculoma on whom operation was performed in 7 cases and conservative treatment was done in 3 cases. Extracranial disease or a past history of tuberculosis are evident in half of patients. The common presenting features are intracranial hypertension and papilledema. These are usually located in the supratentorial region. The use of CT brain scanning can be of great help in diagnosis and follow up more than others. The current treatment consists of medical therapy such as combined antituberculous agents, but surgical exploration may be reserved for intractable seizure, suspected brain tumor and medical failure or severe intracranial hypertension.
Key Words: Intracranial tuberculoma; CT brain scan; Surgical exploration
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