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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1984;13(3): 523-528.
Tuberculoma Masquerading as a Meningioma: Case Report.
Jae Kyu Kang, Hae Chul Shin, Jong Hyun Choi, Jong Oung Doh
Department of Neurosurgery, National Medical Center, Seoul, Korea.
Intracranial tuberculoma may imitate, both clinically and radiologically, the more commonly observed intracranial tumors. A 16 year old female patient was admitted due to exophthalmus(o.d) and headache. Neurologically papilledema was noted on the both fundus and exophthalmometry revealed that exophthalmus(17mm, 13mm). CT brain scan showed slightly high density lesion with surrounding low density in right frontotemporal area, attached to the sphenoid bone. And also hyperostosis was noted at the right sphenoid bone and dense homogeneous enhancement of mass after contrast infusion was seen. This case reports outlines the development of such a lesion masquerading as a typical meningioma of the sphenoid ridge. Discussion of intracranial tuberculoma follows, with special reference to clinical and radiological findings.
Key Words: Tuberculoma; Meningioma; Intracranial pressure; Intracranial tumor
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