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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1985;14(1): 191-198.
Dissecting Aneurysm of the Intracranial Vertbral Artery: Case Report.
Kyoung Suck Cho, Dal Soo Kim, Young Soo Ha, Joon Ki Kang, Jin Un Song
Department of Neurosurgery, Catholic Medical College, Seoul, Korea.
A case of dissecting aneurysm of the intracranial vertebral artery in 46-year-old man is reported. Dissecting aneurysm of the vertebral artery associated with SAH is very rare. The characteristic angiographic findings of dissecting aneurysm were: 1) retention of contrast medium in the aneurysm; 2) the presence of double lumina; 3) "String" or "Pearl-string" sign. The therapeutic occlusion of the intracranial vertebral artery was performed successfully.
Key Words: Dissecting aneurysm; SAH; Angiography; Proximal occlusion; Vertebrobasilar system
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