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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1985;14(2): 325-336.
A Study of Cerebral Hemodynamic Changes Through Measurements of Regional Cerebral Blood Floe(rCBF) in Arteriovenous Malformation.
Dong Won Kim, Tae Sung Kim, Kwang Myung Kim, Bong Arm Rhee, Gook Ki Kim, Won Leem
Department of Neurosurgery, School of Medicine, Kyung Hee University Seoul, Korea.
With Xenon gas inhalation method, the authors measured the rCBF from 14 AVM patients who were checked into the Neurosurgical Department of Kyung Hee Medical College. In nine of them, we detected the rCBF within 24 hours after operation ; in comparison with the clinical progress, we got the results as follows; 1) The amount of rCBF before operation was 62.9+/-12.7 in adjacent regions around the AVM, and 67.8+/-14.7 in the contralateral hemisphere. These values were lower than normal rCBF, undoubtedly demonstrating the development of cerebral steal phenomenon. 2) After total excision of AVM, the amount of rCBF was 77.5+/-20.7(11.6+/-21.5% increase) in adjacent regions around AVM, and 79.6+/-16.3(8.9+/-17.0% increase) in the contralateral hemisphere. As the cerebral steal phenomenon was disappeared, 80% of clinical symptoms and signs were restored, which showed the interrelation between the rCBF and clinical progress. 3) The measurement of rCBF by Xenon gas inhalation method does no harm to human body, and can be carried out with ease and safety. 4) It is thought that in the case if AVM patient, the measurement of rCBF by Xenon gas inhalation method is a good parameter for diagnosis and follow up of AVM's patients.
Key Words: Xenon gas inhalation method; Regional cerebral blood flow(rCBF); Arteriovenous malformation; Cerebral steal phenomenon
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