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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1985;14(4): 609-616.
Clinical Study on Intracranial Extrapineal Germ Cell Tumors.
Young Gyu Kim, Hee Won Jung, Hyun Jip Kim, Byung Kyu Cho, Dae Hee Han, Kil Soo Choi, Bo Sung Sim
Department of Neurosurgery, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
Authors reviewed 9 cases of intracranial extrapineal germ cell tumor. 8 cases were diagnosed pathologically and 1 case clinically. The location and incidence of the tumor, age and sex distributions, clinical characteristics, tumor markers in serum and CSF, and results of treatment were analyzed. The results are as follow : 1) Of 9 intracranial-extrapineal germ cell tumors, 7 cases were germinoma. 2) Frequent sites of involvement were suprasellar area and basal ganglia. 3) 8 of 9 cases were developed under the age of 20 and there was no significant sexual preponderance. 4) Clinical presentation was closely related to the location of the tumor. 5) The determination of serum HCG and AFP level was valuable in differential diagnosis of germ cell tumors. 6) Results of radiation therapy were excellent in pure germinoma, but poor in choriocarcinoma. 7) In cases of pathologically-diagnosed germinoma with elevated tumor markers, radiation therapy was not effective. And these were considered to be mixed derm cell tumors.
Key Words: Germinoma; Choriocarcinoma; CSF; HCG; AFP; Radioimmunoassay
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