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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1986;15(4): 849-854.
A Case of Cylindroma.
Sang Yong Kim, Young Woo Lee
Department of Neurosurgery, College of Medicine, Pusan National University, Korea.
Cylindroma has been called dermal eccrine cylindroma and turban tumor since it was first described by Ancell in 1842. These tumor usually begin as small nodules and continue to grow slowly up to serveral centimeters. The tumor most commonly appears on scalp and face. They have been given the name turban tumor because they sometimes have covered the entire scalp like a turban. The tumor rarely undergone malignant degeneration. We have found a case of cylindroma that have malignant change with skull bone involvement, thus we present this case with review of the other reports.
Key Words: Cylindroma; Malignant degeneration; Skull bone involvement
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