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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1987;16(1): 23-28.
Isolated Traumatic Ganglionic Hemorrhage.
Kyung Pyo Chi, Kyeong Seok Lee, Il Kyu Yoon
Department of Neurosurgery, Soonchunhyang University Chunan Hospital, Chunan, Korea.
The authors present a series of 6 patients with isolated traumatic ganglionic hemorrhage. Although the patient population is small, some characteristic features of this rare type of traumatic lesion can be drawn. Isolated traumatic ganglionic hemorrhage differs from traumatic intracerebral hemorrhage or diffuse white matter injury, but also shares some features of both types of lesion. Some characteristic CT findings of isolated traumatic ganglionic hemorrhage are discussed. The prognosis of this lesion can be predicted by the degree of motor deficit and pupillary change with high accuracy.
Key Words: Isolated traumatic ganglionic hemorrhage; Clinical features; CT findings; Prognosis
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