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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1987;16(4): 963-968.
Myelopathy due to Ossification of Ligamentum Flavum.
Young Joon Kim, Hwan Yung Chung, Nam Kyu Kim, Kwang Myung Kim
Department of Neurosurgery, Hanyang University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
The 4 cases of myelopathy due to ossification of the ligamentum flavum are reported. This disease is often misdiagnosed by the central disc herniation, cauda equina tumor or lower motor neuron disease. The most useful diagnostic procedure is the computerized tomographic myelopgraphy. The sufficient decompressive laminectomy and facetectomy is a treatment of choice.
Key Words: Myelopathy; Ossification of ligamentum flavum; Laminectomy; Facetectomy
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