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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1988;17(3): 551-556.
Extradural Cyst in Throacic Spine.
C J Kim, B O Choi, S C Kim, J H Sim
Department of Neurosurgery, Busan Paik Hospital, Inje Medical College, Korea.
The extradural cyst has a rare occurrence. Recently we have experienced a case of extradural cyst of the midthoracic area in a 35 year old female. The patient presented with a progressive weakness of both lower extremities, a difficulty in voiding. The neurological examination revealed paraparesis with sensory change below the level of T7 to all modalities. The X-ray films, CT and myelography of thoracic spine disclosed an extradural mass lesion from T6 to T11. This extradural cyst, which communicated to subarachnoid space, was removed surgically. Postoperatively the patient showed an excellent recovery.
Key Words: Extradural cyst; CT and myelography
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