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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1989;18(3): 389-399.
Clinical Analysis of Intracranial Aneurysms(Sep. 1957-Jun. 1988).
Sun Ho Lee, Dae Hee Han, Jong Soo Kim, Hyun Jib Kim, Bo Sung Sim, Kil Soo Choi
Department of Neurosurgery, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
In order to have the statistical basis of intracranial aneurysms, the authors analyzed the cases of angiographically proven intracranial aneurysms which were admitted to the department of neurosurgery, Seoul National University Hospital from Sep. 1957 to June 1988. The results of analysis were summarized as follows; 1) Total number of patients was 564 and 64 patients had multiple aneurysms, so total number of aneurysms was 647. Peak age incidence was in the 5th & 6th decades and male to female ratio was 1 : 1.2. 2) Location of aneurysms were anterior communicating artery(32%), posterior communicating artery(28.1%), middle cerebral artery(21.5%) in the order of frequency. Posterior circulation aneurysms comprised 7.1% and multiple aneurysms were 11.3%. 3) Among 647 aneurysms, 368 aneurysms were neck-clipped(56.9%), and operative mortality was 4.9%. 4) After 1983, 300 patients of 344 aneurysms were admitted to the neurosurgical department. The size of aneurysm was most frequent in 6-10 mm in diameter(49.4%) and 5 giant aneurysms were detected. 5) Among 344 aneurysms, 253 aneurysms were neck-clipped(73.5%) and operative mortality were lowered to 2.4%. 6) Among 300 patients 287 patients had ruptured aneurysm. Angiographic spasm was detected in 32.1% and symptomatic spasm was in 19.5%. 7) Hydrocephalus was detected in 36.2% during the period of admission and follow-up. 8) Anterior communicating artery aneurysms ruptured most frequently among the multiple aneurysms. 9) Clinical state on admission was an important factor for the outcome and preoperative clinical state was related to the operative outcome and mortality.
Key Words: Intracranial aneurysm; Location of aneurysm; Angiographic vasospasm; Symptomatic vasospasm; Hydrocephalus; Operative outcome
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