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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1990;19(7): 897-904.
An Analysis of Major Complications after Brain Tumor Surgery.
Seong Won Cheong, Han Kyu Kim, Yong Soon Hwang, Tae Sang Chun, Hwa Dong Lee
Department of Neurosurgery, Kosin Medical College, Pusan, Korea.
The ocurrence of complications after brain tumor surgery often lead to death. To decrease the incidence of complications, it is desirable to identify patients at risk as early as possible prior to surgery. It can be achieved by determining preoperatively those factors known to be of prognostic relevance in the development of such postoperative complications. The prognostic factors may be differ considerably depending on the population studied but the homogeneous population studied in this analysis may help to contribute to the reference guide in identifying those factors. Authors have retrospectively analysed the major complications developed after performing on 150 brain tumor surgeries during last five years to identify the prognostic factors.
Key Words: Complications; Brain tumor surgery; Prognostic factors; Homogeneous population
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