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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1991;20(8): 713-718.
Primary Lymphoma of the Cerebellum.
Byoung Soo Kim, Chang Hyun Park, Byoung Jo Jang, Young Woo Lee, Chang Hwa Cho
Departments of Neurosurgery, Pusan National University School of Medicine, Busan, Korea.
Primary lymphoma is rare lesion of the intracranial neplasm. We have recently experienced a case of primary lymphoma invoving cerebellar vermis and hemisphere. The patient presented with headache, vomiting, ataxia and dysmetria. The brain CT scan and MR imaging revealed round mass lesion involving the left cerebellar hemisphere and vermis with minimal surrounding brain edema. On vertebral angiography, tumor stain appeared during the late arterial phase. Preoperative CSF analysis showed no specific abnormal findings. The CSF cytology was normal. The mass was surgically removed and the histological feature was diffuse histiocytic lymphoma. In the postperative and postradiation period, the metastasis occurred to the head of the caucate nucleus and cervical spinal cord. A case of primary lymphoma of the cerebellum is presented with review of literature.
Key Words: Primary lymphoma; Intracranial neoplasm; Cerebellum; Metastasis
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