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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1991;20(12): 991-996.
The Complications of Transpedicular Screw Fixation in Lumbar Spine Surgery.
Jin Myung Jung, Jong Woo Han
Departments of Neurosurgery, College of Medicine, Kyungsang University, Jinju, Korea.
46 consecutive patients underwent application of transpedicular screw since June 1988, and had follow-up at least for 6 months. 15 cases(32.6%) of them had one or two complications. There were 5 wound infections, which seemed to be caused by long operation time, wide metal implant area and personal predisposing factors. There were 5 patients with screw breakage. The exact screw alignment and avoidance of vigorous distraction are considered to be important in minimizing screw breakage. 2 patients had screw loosening, which could be reduced by proper placing of screw and methyl emtacrylate enforcement. Nerve root irritation and adjacent disc space degenerative change were developed in 5 cases. Disc space changes were induced by stree transfer after rigid fixation. Finally, postoperative severe wound pain which persisted for a long time was another troublesome problem.
Key Words: Transpedicular screw; Complication
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