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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1993;22(1): 123-128.
Akinetic Mutism from Obstructive Hydrocephalus;Successful Treatment with Bromocriptine and Ephedrine.
Young Dae Kwon, Won Ho Choo, Jung Hyun Cho, Seong Cheol Kim, In Sun Ha, Yong Sung Lee
Department of Neurosurgery, Inchon Christian Hospital, Inchon, Korea.
The authors report one case of akinetic mutism with obstructive hydrocephalus. The patient suffered from multiple shunt failures and shunt revision. After multiple shunt revision, the patient fell into an akinetic-mute state. She appeared awake but was no response to painful somatosensory, loud auditory or threatening visual stimuli and she required total nursing care. This behavioral syndrome was no response to shunt revision but we were able to successfully treat a case of akinetic mutism after combination theraphy of Bromocryptine and Ephedrine.
Key Words: Hydrocephalus; Shunt revision; Bromocriptine; Ephedrine
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