Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1994;23(1): 28-34. |
Effect of Hydrocephalus and Skull Defect on the Pressure Volume Index. |
Jong Woo Han, Kyu Chang Wang, Byung Kyu Cho, Bo Sung Sim |
1Department of Neurosurgery, College of Medicine, Gyeongsang National university, Chin-ju, Korea. 2Department of Neurosurgery, College of Medicine, Seoul National university, Seoul, Korea. |
To study the effect of hydrocephalus and skull defect on the pressure volume index(PVI), PVI values were measured in 4 groups, total 23 cats. Five normal cats(group I : control group), five kaolin induced hydrocephalic cats(group II), six kaolin induced hydrocephalic cats with delayed hemicranicetony(group III) and seven kaolin induced hydrocephalic-hemicraniectomy cats(group IV) were used. In 4 groups, the effects of laterality of ventricular bolus infusion site, hydrocephalus and skull defect on the PVI values were evaluated. The measuremnets were performed 4 weeks after kaolin inhection in hydrocephalic groups(group II, III and IV). The laterality of ineusion site did not have satistically significant influence on the PVI valu in all 4 groups. Compared to group I, the PVI values in group II and III showed increasing tendency without significance.
But in group IV, the PVI values showed statistically significant increase, and this seemed to be due to the biomechanical changes of brain and the more progressive ventricular enlargement by the combination of kaolin induced hydrocephalus and skull defect. As with above results, PVI values showed increasing tendency according to the degree of ventricular enlargement and the defect of skull. |
Key Words:
Hydrocephalus; Skull defect; PVI |