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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1994;23(8): 870-875.
The Effects of Microwave Irradiated on Rabbits' EEG.
Sang Heup Ryu, Hyun Jin Shin, Seong Ho Kim, Sam Kyu Ko, Oh Lyong Kim, Yong Chul Chi, Byung Yearn Choi, Soo Ho Cho
Department of Neurosurgery, College of Medicine, Yeungnam University, Taegu, Korea.
Microwaves may induce effect and damage on nervous tissue, either by thermal or mon-thermal mechnisms. EEGs were checked in left frontal lobe before and after irradiation of microwave at frequency of 2.45 GHz in 18 Rabbits. In results, mean total power of EEG was slightly decreased after irradiation of microwave. And mean composition percentage of delta wave was decreased and mean composition percentages of theta, alpha and beta wave were increased after irradiation in observation for 7 days. That mean decrease of electrophysiologic activity and trend of fast wave in brain after irradiation of microwave.
Key Words: Microwave; Electroencepphalogram(EGG); Mean total power; Electrophysiologic activity
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