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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1994;23(11): 1234-1243.
Studies on the Interactions of M1-, M2- Receptors with Nicotinic Receptors in Rabbit Sympathetic Ganglia.
Chun Sik Ryu, Sam Suk Kang, Je Hyuk Lee, Jong Keun Kim
1Department of Neurosurgery, Chonnam University Medical School, Kwangju, Korea.
2Department of Pathology, Chonnam University Medical School, Kwangju, Korea.
Effects of a M1 receptor antagonist, pirenzepine, a M2 receptor antagonist, AF-DX116, and a nicotinic receptor antagonist, mecamylamine on the pressor responses to preganglionic sympathetic nerve stimulation(PNS) and McN-A-343 and DMPP in spinal(pithed) rabbits were investigated in order to elucidate a functional role of M1, M2 and nicotinic receptors in ganglionic transmission. Pirenzepine and AF-DX116 selectively inhibited the McN-A-343-induced pressor reponse in chlorisondamine-treated rabbit and the BCh-induced bradycardia, respectively. Electrical stimulations of preganglionic sympathetic outflow at T8 level produced increases in blood pressure. Pirenzepine(3 microgram/kg) significantly inhibited the PNS-induced pressor response and the degree of inhibition was not changed by increasing the doses to 100 microgram/kg. AF-DX116(100 microgram/kg) had no effect on the PNS-induced pressor response. Mecamylamine inhibited the PNS-induced pressor response in a dose-dependent manner. The inhibitory action of mecamylamine was significantly augmented by combined-treatment with pirenzepine(30 microgram/kg) but AF-DX116(100 microgram/kg) did not affect the inhibitory action of mecamylamine. McN-A-343 and DMPP elicited pressor response in the spinal rabbit. Pirenzepine and AF-DX116 dose-dependently inhibited the McN-A-343-induced pressor response but they did not affect DMPP-induced pressor response. Mecamylamine inhibited both pressor responses induced by Mc-N-343- and DMPP. These results suggest that not only nicotinic receptors but also M1 receptors play a facilitatory role in ganglionic transmission but M2 receptors do not contribute the transmission in spinal(pithed) rabbits.
Key Words: Experiment; Sympathetic ganglia; Muscarinic; Nicotinic receptor antagonist; Agonist
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