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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1994;23(12): 1424-1429.
Subtemporal Transpetrosal Approach for Aneurysms of the Low-Lying Basilar Bifurcation.
Hyoung Kuin Rha, Chul Ji, Chang Rak Choi
Department of Neurosurgery, Catholic University Medical College, Seoul, Korea.
Surgical approaches for aneurysms of the basilar artery trunk are variable and utilized depending on the location of the aneurysms and direction of the fundus of the aneurysms. We operated one patient with low lying basilar bifurcation aneurysms facing toward the brain stem by subtemporal transpetrosal approach with successful clipping of aneurysms. The advantage of this approach to low-lying basilar bifurcation or basilar trunk aneurysms over the pterional, subtemporal(transtentorial), combined supratentorial and infratentorial, transoral, and suboccipital approach are discussed.
Key Words: Surgical approach; Basilar artery trunk; Low-lying basilar bafurcation; Subtemporal transpetrosal approach
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