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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1994;23(12): 1449-1453.
Stereotactic Removal of the Third Ventricle Colloid Cyst.
Yang Ho Byun, Sun Il Lee, Yong Tae Jung, Byng Ook Choi, Soo Chun Kim, Jae Hong Sim
Department of Neurosurgery, College of Medicine, Inje University, Paik Hospital, Pusan, Korea.
Colloid cyst of the third ventricle is rare intracranial lesion. It has been estimated that they comprise approximately 0.55% of all tumors of the brain. A new interest has been developed in this lesion, which is completely benign histologically but, because of its deep and strategic location, poses a difficult therapetic problem. The contrast between the histological benignancy and the risk of morbidity and mortality associated with often surgical exploration and removal has led to alternative procedures. We reported here a 33-year-old male patient with colloid cyst of the third ventricle presenting with headache and vomiting. Who was treated by stereotacic removal utilizing CRW stereotactic system and followed up post-operatively for more than 3 years.
Key Words: Colloid cyst of the third ventricle; Stereotactic removal; CRW stereotactic system
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