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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1995;24(12): 1463-1468.
Brain Stem Blood Flow During Hypercapnia, Hypocapnia, Hypoxia, and Hemorrhagic Hypotension in Newborn Piglet.
Tae Young Kim
Department of Nurosurgery, School of Medicine, Wonkwang University, Iri, Korea.
Changes of brain stem blood flow(BBF) during physiologic stimulation, such as hypoxia, hypo-and hypercapnia, and hemorrhagic hypotension, were studied by hydrogen clearance technique through closed clival window in the brain stem of nerborn piglet. Induction of moderate hypercapnia(PaCO2=65.4+/-2.11mmHg) caused prominent increases in BBF(354+/-39%;p<0.0001). Conversely, in response to moderate hypocapnia(PaCO2=23.9+/-0.64mmHg), a significant decreases in BBF(-30.38+/-3.22%;p<0.0001) was observed. During severe hypoxia(PaO2=3.7+/-1.4mmHg)moderate increases in BBF(161+/-51.4%;p=0.005) occurred. Interestingly, in response to systemic hypotension(Mean Arterial Blood Pressure=34+/-0.7mmHg), a nonsignificant reduction of BBF was recorded(-14+/-10%;p=0.240). These findings suggest that CO2 reactivity of newborn piglet posterior circulation is high;however, hypoxic reactivity is relatively moderate, and BBF is autoregulated during systemic hypotension.
Key Words: Brain stem; Blood flow; New-born piglet; CO2 reactivity; Hypoxia; Hypotension
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