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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1996;25(3): 575-583.
Prognostic Factors and Its Utility in Severe Head Injured Patient.
Byung Gon Lee, Byung Kab Han, Tae Yjoung Kim, Jong Moon Kim
Department of Neurosugery, College of Medicine, Wonkwang University, Iksan, Korea.
The prognosis of severe head injured patients (Glasgow coma scale 3 to 8) was assessed through clinical prognostic factors in 209 cases, retrospectively. Severe head injured patients were 9.1% of all head trauma and 55% of cases were diffuse brain injury. Mechanism of injury were motorvehicle accident, falls, bicycle, and others. The patients with normal pupillary reaction had a significantly higher percentage of good outcome (77%) than the patient with bilateral 3rd nerve palsy (14.2%)(p<0.0001), 79% of good motor responsive patients had a good outcome compared to none of patients with poor motor response(p<0.0001). The patients with short duration of unawareness(within 30days) significantly higher percentage of good outcome(98%) than the patients with long duration of unawaereness(24%)(p<0.0001). The patients with initial high GCS score(6-8 score) had a significantly higher good outcome(58%) than the patients with low GCS score(3-5 score)(p<0.0001), 87% of pediatric patients had a good outcome compared to 38% of adults(p<0.0001). The diffuse head injured patients without basal cistern compression had a significantly hgher percentage of good outcome(83%) than the patients with basal cistern compression(41%)(p<0.0001), 62% of patients with skull fracture had a good outcome compared to 39% of patients without skull fracture(39%)(p<0.0017). Individual prognostic factors affect to patient's outcome and utilize to be powerful tool for assessing the relative efficacy of alternative treatments as well as patient's prognosis.
Key Words: Severe head injury; Prpil; Motor; Unawareness; Diffuse injury
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