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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1996;25(6): 1156-1162.
Result of anterior Decompression and Stabilization with KANEDA II Device and SURGICAL TITANIUM MESH in Thoracolumbar Unstble Spine Injuries.
Hak Jun Lee, Yeong Hyeon Kim, Seung Myung Lee
Department of Neurosurgery, College of Medicine, Chosun University, Kwangyang, Korea.
The following is a retrospective study on the results of anterior spinal surgery with Kaneda II instrumentation and surgical Titanium MESH after thoracolumbar unstable spinal injuries. From July 1994 to June 1995, we operated on 14 patients at the Chosun University Kwang Yang hospital. Fourteen patients were followed for at least three months. Anterior spinal surgery was performed on the patients who had thoracolumbar unstable spine injuries. The procedure consisted of anterior decompression through corpectomy and stabilization with Kaneda II instrumentation and surgical Titanium MESH which was impacked with resected bone chip. Most of patients had demonstrated showed neurological improvement, relief of pain, immediate stabilization and early return to normal activities. Radiologic evaluation showed the correction of the fracture deformity with satisfactory outcome postoperatively.
Key Words: Thoracolumbar unstable spine injury; Anterir spinal surgery; Kaneda II instrumentation; Surgical titanium mesh
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