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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1996;25(6): 1277-1280.
Gold Implantation in the Treatment of Paralysed Eyelid in facial Palsy.
Jin Suk Lee, Kyung Keun Cho, Choon Park, Yong Kil Hong, Sang Won Lee, Chang Rak Choi, JoonKi Kang
Department of Neurosurgery, Catholic University Medical College, Seoul, Korea.
Skull base surgeons are frequently required to operate in close proximity to the facial nerve, making facial nerve paresis or paralysis the possible result of resection of skull base tumors. Serious functional problems can result following eyelid paralysis. The inability to blink and lubricate the eye can lead to exposure keratitis, corneal abrasions, and even blindness. Thus, management of paralysis following facial nerve injury should include provision of adequate corneal coverage. In the cases where the surgeon is certain that the facial nerve has been left intact and return of function is expected, methods are needed to meliorate the temporary paresis or paralysis of the eyelids. If the lower lid is in proper position, adequate eyelid closure can be achieved with placement of the gold weight alone in the upper eyelid. These weights also could be removed once facial nerve function returns normal. Presented is a report of the satisfactory outcome that we have achieved from gold implantation into the upper lid in temporary paralysis of the eyelids in facial nerve paralysis.
Key Words: Facial nerve paresis; Paralysis of the eyelids; Gold implantation
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