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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1996;25(6): 1308-1312.
A Case of Axis Spondylolysis Causing Quadriparesis: Case Report.
Hwan Jong Kim, Chang Hwa Choi, Gun Sung Song, Dong June Park, Sung Hun Cha, Young Woo Lee
Department of Neurosurgery, School of Medicine, Pusan National University, Pusan, Korea.
Cervical spondylolysis is an extremely rare abnomality of unknown etilogy, first described by Hadley. It is defined s a corticated cleft between the superior and inferior articular facets of the articular pillar, the cervical equivalent of the pars interarticularis in the lumbar spine. A 50-yar-old woman was presented with occipital headache, and pain in the upper neck region. Neurological examination revealed the patients inability to walk because of quadriparesis with mild hypesthesia in both hands and feet. The DTR was hyperactive and pathological reflexes, including Babinski's and Hoffman's, were positive bilaterally. CT showed the bilateral pars interarticularis defects and spinal canal stenosis. MRI revealed signal alteration on the upper spinal cord which was compromised due to the hypertrophied ligamentum flavum. Decompressive laminectomy of C2 was performed and the patient's neurological deficits had recovered to some extent and resulting to her ability to walk without assistance.
Key Words: Cervical spondylolysis; Quadriparesis; Upper spinal canal stenosis
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