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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1996;25(10): 2010-2016.
Evaluation of Stereotactic Aspiration of Spontaneous Intracerebral Hematoma using Multiple Catheters.
Yong Keun Park, Young Min Ahn, Young Hwan Ahn, Soo Han Yoon, Ki Hong Cho, Kyung Gi Cho
1Department of Neurosurgery, Capital Armed Forces General Hospital, Seoul, Korea.
2Department of Neurosurgery, Ajou University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
The treatment modality of patients with spontaneous intracerebral hematoma is still controversial. With remarkable development of CT-guided stereotactic techniques, stereotactic evacuation is preferable to conventional craniotomy due to local anesthesia and minimal brain damage. We reviewed 60 patients with hypertensive intracerebral hematoma, treated with CT-guided stereotactic aspiration and conventional craniotomy from Jan. 1995 to Dec. 1995. The patients were divided into three groups. Group I included the patients who had hematoma less than 30cc in volume and treated stereotactically using a single catheter. Group II was consisted of patients who had hematoma more than 30cc and treated stereotactically using 2 or more catheters. Group III was composed of the patients who showed neurologically rapid progression and treated with conventional craniotomy. We compared the results of the three groups of therapeutic modalities and made conclusions. Most of the spontaneous intracranial hematomas were removed com pletely within 5 days by the stereotactic method. This method was feasible to the patients, who had large volume of hematomas using multiple catheters.
Key Words: Spontaneous intracerebral hematoma; Stereotactic surgery; Multiple catheters
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